Prolong - meaning and definition. What is Prolong
Online Dictionary

What (who) is Prolong - definition

8 18 knot; (4,3)-torus knot; Prolong knot
  • Carrick mats on schooner ''Adventuress'', used to protect woodwork from the blocks when the lines are slack.

v. a.
Lengthen, protract, continue lengthen in time.
Put off, postpone, defer.
·adj To extend in space or length; as, to prolong a line.
II. Prolong ·adj To put off to a distant time; to Postpone.
III. Prolong ·adj To lengthen in time; to extend the duration of; to draw out; to Continue; as, to prolong one's days.
(prolongs, prolonging, prolonged)
To prolong something means to make it last longer.
Mr Chesler said foreign military aid was prolonging the war...
= extend
prolongation (prolongations)
...the prolongation of productive human life.
N-VAR: usu N of n


Carrick mat

The carrick mat is a flat woven decorative knot which can be used as a mat or pad. Its name is based on the mat's decorative-type carrick bend with the ends connected together, forming an endless knot. A larger form, called the prolong knot, is made by expanding the basic carrick mat by extending, twisting, and overlapping its outer bights, then weaving the free ends through them. This process may be repeated to produce an arbitrarily long mat.

In its basic form it is the same as a 3-lead, 4-bight Turk's head knot. The basic carrick mat, made with two passes of rope, also forms the central motif in the logo of the International Guild of Knot Tyers.

When tied to form a cylinder around the central opening, instead of lying flat, it can be used as a woggle.

Pronunciation examples for Prolong
1. millions of people, prolong their lives.
2. that people used to make to prolong
The Nordic Cookbook _ Magnus Nilsson _ Talks at Google
3. Child marriages prolong the vicious cycle
4. What we do is prolong people's lives,
5. We perpetuate, we prolong the misery by arguing,
Parenting with Presence _ Susan Stiffelman _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of Prolong
1. "Russia‘s interest is to prolong a monopoly," Bryza said.
2. They call it a sham designed to prolong his rule.
3. "We agreed not to prolong this anymore,‘ Kee said.
4. The danger is that this could prolong the insurgency.
5. The World Bank‘s generosity helped to prolong that poverty.